California Watercolor Association
52nd National Exhibition
Andy Evansen, our juror of selection, chose the 85 paintings presented here and Birgit O’Connor, our juror of awards, chose the following 19 paintings for the awards listed. Each of them was kind enough to provide us with their thoughts about why they chose the awarded paintings. We hope that you will enjoy the work presented here as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you. The exhibition is also being presented on the walls at the Harrington Gallery in Pleasanton, CA until March 12th. We will have a reception on March 5th from noon to three pm.
Gold Award
I enjoy paintings that offer a unique perspective, and not only does “Treading Tribe” provide that but it’s skillfully designed and executed. The arrangement of the swimmers keeps the viewer’s eye moving around the painting and back again.The bright pink at top left is subtly bounced around the painting to provide balance among all the cool blues and grays, and I love how each figure has a unique gesture and scale in the scene.  ~ Andy Evansen
I chose this for the Gold Award because it is so unique, it has a different story to it. We’re looking from a different vewpoint at an everyday activity. The use of color is excellent, the technique is very well handled. This person did an excellent job. ~ Birgit O’Connor
Silver Award
“Three Sisters” has such a nice balance between lost and found edges, warms and cools, soft reflections and staccato calligraphy. It’s a static subject yet painted with great energy, and the strong colors also provide excitement. The decision to put the small portion of dock in the lower corner provides depth to the scene and really helps the composition. ~ Andy Evansen
This person did an amazing job with their use of color and their brushwork with it being too deliberate, there is a nice feeling of suggested shapes, which invites the viewer to enter the painting. The use of color in the reflections is excellent, the dry brush and wet into wet in the distance and the use of lost and found edges are all remarkable. I also enjoyed seeing the little pieces of white paper showing through. ~ Birgit O’Connor
Bronze Award
~ Andy Evansen
With this painting, what I was drawn to the use of the different colored strokes, perhaps this is hot press paper. What I really love is the granulation in this painting and how they selectively come in and added some shapes in a beautiful wet into wet with lovely
~ Birgit O’Connor
CWA Signature Award One
CWA Signature Award Two
Past President’s Award
Artistic Journey Award
~ Birgit O’Connor
Watercolor West Reciprocal Award
Dick Cole Memorial Award
Mary Spivey Award
for Excellence in Landscape Painting
Arnold Grossman Memorial Award
Flax Art & Design Award
Daniel Smith Paints Award
David Nathan Memorial Award
Norbert Volk Award
This painting is very bold. The artist has really captured the feeling in the eyes. It’s wonderful that there is the looseness in the background and yet the softness and detail in the face. The modeling and use of color are excellent. ~ Birgit O’Connor
Dan Curry Memorial Award
Flax Art & Design Award
Daniel Smith Paints Award
Jade Fon Award
Mijello Co. Ltd. Award
Congratulations to the 19 award winning paintings. And now, please enjoy these following 76 paintings that were selected from many that were submitted for this year’s National Exhibition.
Inquiries about purchasing a painting can be sent to:
Thank you. We hope that you’ve enjoyed our National Exhibition. We look forward to starting on the next National Exhibition in a few months and look forward to seeing everyone’s submissions again.
Thank you!
The CWA 52nd
Michael Friedland
Receiving Week Directors
Pat Lauer
Joe Tringali
Donors and Awards Fundraising
Michael Friedland
Jean Homes
Catalog Design
Patricia Rosa
Ruth Miller
Signature Member Fundraising
Samantha McNally
Iretta Hunter
National gallery page design: Michael Friedland
Excellent web gallery development: Adrienne Hefter