California Watercolor Association
53rd National Exhibition
Gary Tucker, our juror of selection, chose the 84 paintings presented here and Uma Kelkar, our juror of awards, chose the following 18 paintings for the awards listed. Each of them was kind enough to provide us with their thoughts about why they chose the awarded paintings. We hope that you will enjoy the work presented here as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you. The exhibition is also being presented at the Harrington Gallery in Pleasanton, CA until March 18th. We will have a reception on March 4th from one to three pm.
Gold Award
Charles loves light and we feel it physically in this masterwork. Shimmering on the weathered stone and falling across the rumpled clothing…The gravity in this painting – immersed in shadow, the boys bowed head – It has captured my heart. ~ Gary Tucker
~ Uma Kelkar
Silver Award
The thought behind this painting – towards composition and color – has me returning to look again and again. Ease with figures and patterns makes it easy to enjoy and savor the well balanced color. ~ Gary Tucker
This artist can clearly draw and knows how to patiently work with many colors. The point where the artist stops adding strokes so the rest of the story can be filled in by the onlooker is a sign of trust in the viewer and I value that.
~ Uma Kelkar
Bronze Award
There are two sets of marks here, verticals for the heads and horizontals for the clothing stripes. Collectively, each set is harmonious in itself. For showing the vitality of painting via overlapping cleverly planned sets, this painting gets an award. ~ Uma Kelkar
David Nathan Memorial Award
Cheap Joe’s Award
CWA Signature Members Award 1
CWA Signature Members Award 2
Speedball Art Products Award
Legion Paper Co. Award
Mijello Co. Ltd Award
Past Presidents Award
Golden Artist Colors, Inc. Award
Flax Award (Local)
Artistic Journey Award
M. Graham Award
Jade Fon Award
Watercolor West Reciprocal Award
Art Supply Warehouse Award
Dick Cole Memorial Award
Mijello Co. Ltd Award
Arnold Grossman Memorial Award
Mijello Co. Ltd Award
University Art Award
DeYoung Museum Award
This piece has a strong design. Making the shaded parts of the painting as interesting as the parts that have been washed out by the sunlight required thought and skilled handling. ~ Uma Kelkar
Norbert Volk Award
Armadillo Art Award
Mijello Co. Ltd Award
Dan Curry Memorial Award
Mijello Co. Ltd Award
Mary Spivey Award for Excellence in Landscape Painting
FASO Award
Congratulations to the 18 award winning paintings. And now, please enjoy these following 66 paintings that were selected from many that were submitted for this year’s National Exhibition.
Inquiries about purchasing a painting can be sent to:
Thank you. We hope that you’ve enjoyed our National Exhibition web gallery this year. We look forward to seeing you at our reception on March 4 from 1 to 3pm at the Harrington Gallery in Pleasanton. We appreciate our hosts there: Sydney Tang, Lili Caridis, Rachel Prater and others.
Michael Friedland
Receiving Week Directors
Pat Lauer
Joe Tringali
Signature Member Fundraising
Sharon Hopkins
Catalog Design
Patricia Rosa
Ruth Miller
National gallery page design: Michael Friedland
Excellent web gallery development: Adrienne Hefter
Thank you Adrienne!