Post Office Box 4631
Walnut Creek, CA 94596  USA

CWA Members, How to enter the International Exhibition

To receive your member discount, you must be logged in (Members' Login).

Once logged in, you will be at the Members' Home page, and you will be able to select the National Exhibition under the Members' Links area on the right. 

(If you are already logged in, just go to the Members' Home page. It is under the Membership drop-down menu.)

You will see this message:  Please click here to enter. All your personal information will be filled in for you. You will be prompted through the entry process to upload your painting details and images, and then pay your fee.

  • Enter your painting details and images, one by one.  You will see a thumbnail of your image and summary of your entry when it is successfully uploaded.
  • If you don't complete your entry in the first go-round, the next time you go in you will see that you are entered (even if partially). 
  • Once all images and details are loaded, please pay your fee via PayPal (credit, debit, PayPal accepted).  If needed, there is a manual process to pay. Until you pay your fee, your entry is not complete.
  • Do you need to modify your entry? If you have not paid your fee yet on the PayPal site, you may update your painting information and images. You may log back in and modify your submission.  If you have paid and then need to make a change, contact the for assistance.

Don't remember your username and password? Click I forgot my username/password and put in your email address. Be aware some providers are blocking this as spam.

Helping another member who doesn't have a computer/email address or having any problems entering? Please contact the data manager for assistance.