Post Office Box 4631
Walnut Creek, CA 94596  USA

Non-CWA Members, How to enter the International Exhibition

Non-CWA Members:

To enter this Exhibition, please click here: Non-Member Entry, International Exhibition.
You may also join CWA during this process, if you wish

Once at our Show Entry site, please select the International Exhibition to enter the show. You may also see other CWA Member shows, but these shows are only open to members.

At our Exhibition welcome screen, you will see tips for entering your information, followed by the entry form itself.

  • Please enter your personal information
    • At the end of the form, you may choose to join CWA.  If you do, your membership fee will be added and the entry fees modified to the lower CWA rate.  Annual membership is $45.
    • When complete, click the blue Enter button at the bottom to continue.
  • Enter your painting details and images, one by one.  You will see a thumbnail of your image and summary of your entry when it is successfully uploaded.
  • Once all images and details are loaded, please pay your fee via PayPal (credit, debit, PayPal accepted).  If needed, there is a manual process to pay. However, until you pay your fee, your entry is not complete.
  • Do you need to change something later? Please contact the webmaster at the address or phone number shown below.

If you need any assistance during the entry process, please contact Adrienne Hefter