Post Office Box 4631
Walnut Creek, CA 94596  USA

Month at a glance

Events by Category

General Meetings

8/21 2024 : General Meeting with Dale Laitinen

9/18 2024 : General Meeting with Michael Reardon
Lafayette Library

10/16 2024 : General Meeting with Keiko Tanabe


9/27-9/29 2024 : Michael Reardon 2024 In Person Workshop
Danville Ranch House

10/20-10/23 2024 : Dale Latinen 2024 In Person Workshop
Danville Ranch House

Plein Air

7/13 2024 : 2024 July Plein Air
Forest Home Farms Historic Park

Events by date

July 2024

7/13: 2024 July Plein Air
Forest Home Farms Historic Park

August 2024

8/21: General Meeting with Dale Laitinen

September 2024

9/18: General Meeting with Michael Reardon
Lafayette Library

9/27-9/29: Michael Reardon 2024 In Person Workshop
Danville Ranch House

October 2024

10/16: General Meeting with Keiko Tanabe

10/20-10/23: Dale Latinen 2024 In Person Workshop
Danville Ranch House